Do you want to develop new skills? Are you thinking of going back to school to increase your salary and prestige? Education is one of the best investments you can make in your career. But what if I don’t have time to go to class? Can I study online? Can I get financial aid for online classes?
Attending classes has its huge advantages. You meet people, build relationships and this is a value in itself. However, not always what is available to teenagers and 20-year-olds is possible for people who already have a professional career. Then you should think about studying online.
Online studies are ideal for working adults. There are no commuting, moving and you don’t have to quit your job. You will learn whenever you need it. Are you an early riser Log in when the house is quiet and everyone is still asleep. More nocturnal owl? You can study at night when the children went to sleep. No form of study is as flexible as online study.
By studying online, you will get a bachelor’s degree, just like in the traditional version of the program, attending offline classes. A diploma requires the same class and the same number of hours.
Where do the grants come from?
Understanding funding sources will help you navigate and find relevant grants much more efficiently., and are a good starting point to find scholarships from various sources and available to students from all walks of life.

Federal / public subsidies
The United States Department of Education is a huge source of subsidies and financial assistance at the national level. Annually, it awards approximately $ 150 billion in scholarships, funds for job training, and loans to over 15 million students. is a great starting point to find and apply for federal subsidies. Here are some examples of public / federal subsidies:
- Pell Grants: The great kahunas of university grants are Pell Grants, created by former Rhode Island senator Claiborne Pell. After completing the Federal Financial Assistance Form – FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Assistance) – Pell Grant and other federal grants are automatically taken into account. Pell grants can withdraw from 976 to 5,350 USD, depending on the needs (average amount indicated: 2494 USD).
- Additional Education Opportunity: If you qualify for a Pell Grant, you may also be eligible for an additional opportunity. The government will consider you when your FAFSA is assessed.
- Academic Competitiveness Grant: This grant is awarded to students with both financial needs and academic achievement, and can pay up to USD 750 in the first year and USD 1300 in the second year.
- Scholarship SMART (Science and Mathematics Access to Retent Talent): This grant aims to encourage students to study science and mathematics. He pays up to $ 4,000. Students must be eligible for Pell Grant and must be in the third, fourth or fifth year of study.
- TEACH (Help to educate teachers in colleges and universities): This university grant provides up to $ 4,000 a year for students who plan to teach subjects with “high need” in primary or secondary education that serve low-income students.